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Elance WordPress

Elance WordPress Test And Answer If You have Right Answer Please mail at Might be some answer wronge so Please help to right. Question: What is the name of the theme file for a page with slug ‘about’? a.            page-slug-about.php b.            page-about.php c.             about.php Question: Which of the following theme files can be used to customize the “page not found error” error page? a.            index.php b.            404.php c.             functions.php d.            page.php Question: In which version of WordPress were custom taxonomies introduced? a.            2.3 b.            2.7 c.             2.8 d.            3.0 Question: User Level 3 converts to … a.            Contributor b.            Author c.             Editor d.            Subscriber e.            Administrator Question: Can you create a specific theme file for a custom content type? a.            Yes b.            No Question: ____________ can do anything in the WordPress administration area: write, edit, and delete posts, pages, links, and comments; upload media files of any type; import content; manage the Dashboard; create, edit, and delete other users; enable and configure plugins and themes; change the site’s theme; and manage all the available options. a.            Contributors b.            Authors c.             Editors d.            Subscribers e.            Administrators Question: Where can Google Adsense be integrated into a WordPress blog? a.            Only in the sidebar. b.            Only in the header. c.             Anywhere. d.            Only in the content. Question: Can you move your wp-config.php file to the parent directory without changing any settings? a.            Yes b.            Yes, provided that you are installing WordPress in your web root directory (such as public_html). Otherwise, it is impossible. c.             No Question: Which user level has the highest privilege? a.            Level_0 b.            Level_10 c.             Depends on your settings. d.            Every user level has the same level of privilege. Question: Can users change their avatars on the profile settings panel? a.            Yes b.            No Question: Which of the following methods can be used to make permalinks SEO friendly? a.            Updating the database. b.            Changing the source code. c.             Configuring the feature in the config file. d.            Configuring the feature in the admin settings. Question: Can you set individual password for each post? a.            Yes b.            No Question: Which of the following methods is required to post HTML code for others to read? a.            Replacing special characters with corresponding HTML codes or character codes. b.            Using the <code> tag. c.             Using the <pre> tag. d.            None of the above: WordPress auto-replaces special characters with substituted characters. Question: Which of the following tasks should be performed before installing any widget? a.            Verify whether the widget directory is in “write mode”. b.            Verify that plug-ins can be installed on your version of WordPress. c.             Verify that your WordPress theme is widget-ready. d.            None of the above. Question: Is it possible to run more than one site/blog from a single installation of WordPress? a.            Yes b.            No Question: What is the limitation to the depth of your categories? a.            10 levels b.            20 levels c.             There is no limit to depth. Question: ____________ can publish, edit, and delete posts and pages written by any user. They can upload some kinds of files, and write HTML without restrictions. They can manage links and categories, and moderate comments. Editors and administrators are also the only users allowed to read private posts and pages. a.            Contributors b.            Authors c.             Editors d.            Subscribers e.            Administrators Question: Super Cache compression can cause problems if your server _______ a.            does not have mod_deflate installed (in Apache). b.            does not have zlib installed. c.             is already compressing output using mod_deflate (in Apache) or PHP compression (zlib) . Question: One way to get posts from a specific day is to ____________________. a.            use the query_day loop in the source code b.            use the query_posts loop in the source code c.             Neither: WordPress does not allow this action. Question: ____________ can write their own posts but cannot publish or delete them. Their HTML is limited to the set of allowed tags and they cannot upload media files. a.            Contributors b.            Authors c.             Editors d.            Subscribers e.            Administrators Question: The date/time format of a WordPress site can be changed in __________________. a.            the theme’s source code b.            admin settings c.             the database d.            the config file Question: Which of the following methods can be used to enable posting via e-mail? a.            Installing the wp-emailpost plug-in. b.            Configuring the feature in admin settings. c.             Using a widget. d.            This feature is not available in WordPress. Question: A taxonomy is a _______. a.            category b.            term c.             group of terms Question: What is the correct order of template files (from highest to lowest priority) to display a page according to the Template Hierarchy? a.            page-{slug}.php, page-{id}.php, page.php, index.php b.            page-{id}.php, page-{slug}.php, page.php, index.php c.             page-{slug}.php, page-{id}.php, page.php, archive.php, index.php d.            page-{slug}.php, page-{id}.php, page.php, 404.php Question: How many built-in user roles does WordPress have? a.            3 b.            4 c.             5 d.            6 Question: What is the first action you need to take for enabling the WordPress MU feature? a.            Enable WordPress MU feature on admin panel. b.            Enable Network feature. c.             Add this code to wp-config.php file: define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true ); Question: Which of the following categories of persons can read a post locked by password? a.            Only administrators, editors and authors. b.            Registered users who know a password. c.             Anyone who knows a password. Question: Can you add extra fields to user’s profiles (such as birthday, birth year,…)? a.            Yes b.            No Question: User Level 1 converts to … a.            Contributor b.            Author c.             Editor d.            Subscriber e.            Administrator Question: ____________ can manage their own profiles, but can do virtually nothing else in the administration area. a.            Contributors b.            Authors c.             Editors d.            Subscribers e.            Administrators Question: Which of the following statements regarding permalinks on a WordPress site is true? a.            Permalinks are required. b.            Permalinks are optional but highly recommended. c.             Permalinks are always available in WordPress. d.            Permalinks are not available in WordPress. Question: Is super cache a built-in plugin of WordPress? a.            Yes b.            No Question: _________________ is a good way to improve the performance of a WordPress blog. a.            Disabling image upload b.            Enabling cache c.             Installing the “wp super cache” plug-in Question: Which of the following actions must be performed to import data from a.            Enter the full access to into the data import form so that it can automatically connect and directly retrieve content. b.            Import from’ RSS. c.             Login to, then export data using the export tool, and import an exported XML file to your site. Question: The “function_exists()” function can be used to check whether a plug-in is activated or not. a.            True b.            False Question: Which of the following data can you import from a Blogger site? a.            Posts and categories b.            Posts, comments and categories c.             Posts and comments d.            Post and tags e.            Post, comments and tags Question: What is the correct order of template files (from highest to lowest priority) to display taxonomies according to the Template Hierarchy? a.            taxonomy -{taxonomy}.php, taxonomy-{id}.php, taxonomy.php, index.php b.            taxonomy -{taxonomy}-{term}.php, taxonomy-{taxonomy}.php, taxonomy.php, archive.php, index.php c.             taxonomy -{ taxonomy}.php, taxonomy.php, archive.php, index.php d.            taxonomy.php, archive.php, index.php Question: How can a logo be placed on a WordPress header? a.            By manually adding the logo to the source code. b.            By uploading a new logo in admin settings. c.             By updating the logo path in the config file. Question: One possible way to allow the display of several authors’ names on one post is to ______. a.            update the database b.            change the admin settings c.             change the config files d.            use a plug-in Question: Can you import content from Joomla or Mambo site into WordPress? a.            Yes b.            No   Is the functions.php file required in each theme? a.    Yes b.    No Question: 02 Which of the following files must be deleted after installing WordPress? a.    wp-admin/install.php b.    install.php c.    installation.php d.    None of the above Question: 03 Which of the following files are required for completing your theme? a.    Index.php b.    Style.css c.    Index.php and style.css d.    Index.php and functions.php Question: 04 Can users change their avatars on the profile settings panel? a.    Yes b.    No Question: 05 Which task must be performed to add a favicon icon to your site? a.    Upload a favicon icon to your site. b.    Add a favicon icon link to the theme’s header file or update the existing favicon icon link to the new one. c.    Change the favicon icon in admin settings. d.    The favicon icon cannot be changed. e.    a and b f.    b and c Question: 06 A taxonomy is a _______? a.    category b.    term c.    group of terms Question: 07 The date/time format of a WordPress site can be changed in __________________? a.    the theme’s source code b.    admin settings c.    the database d.    the config file Question: 08 After moving a WordPress site to a new host, you change your site’s URL. Do you have to update your posts and pages to correct paths to your uploaded media files? a.    Yes b.    No Question: 09 Image size limits can be set _______________? a.    directly in the posts b.    in the wp-imageresize plug-in c.    in the admin settings d.    a and b Question: 10 Can you Override database values for your site URLs in wp-config.php? a.    Yes b.    No Question: 11 Which of the following theme files can be used to customize the “page not found error” error page? a.    index.php b.    404.php c.    functions.php d.    page.php Question: 12 Super Cache compression can cause problems if your server _______? a.    does not have mod_deflate installed (in Apache). b.    does not have zlib installed. c.    is already compressing output using mod_deflate (in Apache) or PHP compression (zlib) . Question: 13 How can a logo be placed on a WordPress header? a.    By manually adding the logo to the source code. b.    By uploading a new logo in admin settings. c.    By updating the logo path in the config file. Question: 14 What is the correct order of template files (from highest to lowest priority) to display taxonomies according to the Template Hierarchy? a.    taxonomy -{taxonomy}.php, taxonomy-{id}.php, taxonomy.php, index.php b.    taxonomy -{taxonomy}-{term}.php, taxonomy-{taxonomy}.php, taxonomy.php, archive.php, index.php c.    taxonomy -{ taxonomy}.php, taxonomy.php, archive.php, index.php d.    taxonomy.php, archive.php, index.php Question: 15 Can you set the same slug for two categories that have different parents? a.    Yes b.    No Question: 16 How many built-in user roles does WordPress have? a.    3 b.    4 c.    5 d.    6 Question: 17 Conditional tags can be used to _______________________? a.    get all comments from one post b.    get all posts from one category c.    change the content to be displayed d.    None of the above: Conditional tags are not available in WordPress. Question: 18 Which of the following tasks should be performed before installing any widget? a.    Verify whether the widget directory is in “write mode”. b.    Verify that plug-ins can be installed on your version of WordPress. c.    Verify that your WordPress theme is widget-ready. d.    None of the above. Question: 19 Which of the following actions should you perform to move your site from “/wordpress” to “/blog/wordpress”? a.    Change the source code. b.    Update the wp-config.php file. c.    Update the database. d.    The site cannot be moved from “/wordpress” to “/blog/wordpress”. Question: 20 Which of the following statements regarding permalinks on a WordPress site is true? a.    Permalinks are required. b.    Permalinks are optional but highly recommended. c.    Permalinks are always available in WordPress. d.    Permalinks are not available in WordPress. Question: 21 One possible way to allow the display of several authors’ names on one post is to ______? a.    update the database b.    change the admin settings c.    change the config files d.    use a plug-in Question: 22 Which of the following methods can be used to make permalinks SEO friendly? a.    Updating the database. b.    Changing the source code. c.    Configuring the feature in the config file. d.    Configuring the feature in the admin settings. Question: 23 ‘Slug’ has a higher priority for use than ‘id’ in the Template Hierarchy? a.    Yes b.    No Question: 24 One possible way to collect real-time statistics about traffic to a WordPress site is to: a.    use a built-in tool. b.    use a plug-in. c.    use a widget. d.    None of the above: such statistics cannot be collected. Question: 25 Which of the following actions must be performed before enabling the Network feature? a.    Install the network plugin. b.    Deactive your plugins. c.    No action needs to be performed. Question: 26 ____________ can write their own posts but cannot publish or delete them. Their HTML is limited to the set of allowed tags and they cannot upload media files? a.    Contributors b.    Authors c.    Editors d.    Subscribers e.    Administrators Question: 27 The WordPress Loop can be used ____________________? a.    to retrieve any data in WordPress b.    to display every post c.    only for calculation d.    WordPress loop cannot be used for any purpose. Question: 28 _____________ can publish, edit, and delete their own posts. They cannot write pages. They can upload some kinds of media files, and are allowed to use only the limited set of HTML tags? a.    Contributors b.    Authors c.    Editors d.    Subscribers e.    Administrators Question: 29 To manually make the sidebar widget-ready, the user must ______________? a.    modify the sidebar.php file b.    enable it in the admin settings c.    change the index.php file Question: 30 Can you add extra fields user’s profiles such as birthday, birth year ….? a.    Yes b.    No Question: 31 Which of the following data can you import from a Blogger site? a.    Posts and categories b.    Posts, comments and categories c.    Posts and comments d.    Post and tags e.    Post, comments and tags Question: 32 What is the correct order of template files (from highest to lowest priority) to display a tag according to the Template Hierarchy? a.    tag -{slug}.php, tag-{id}.php, tag.php, index.php b.    tag -{id}.php, tag -{slug}.php, tag.php, index.php c.    tag -{slug}.php, tag -{id}.php, tag.php, archive.php, index.php d.    tag -{slug}.php, tag -{id}.php, tag.php, 404.php Question: 33 From which version of WordPress can you choose your username during the installation process? a.    2.7 b.    2.8 c.    3.0 d.    3.0.1 Question: 34 User Level 3 converts to …? a.    Contributor b.    Author c.    Editor d.    Subscriber e.    Administrator Question: 35 You want to schedule a backup of your site database but do not have enough permissions to access your host. Which of the following choices can help you perform this task? a.    Use phpMyAdmin. b.    Install “wp database backup” plug-in. c.    Use cron job to schedule. d.    There is no way to schedule a backup. Question: 36 Which of following action must be performed before using Akismet Plugin? a.    Simply install it. b.    Create an account on c.    Create an account for this plug-in on your own site. Question: 37 Can you create a specific theme file for a custom content type? a.    Yes b.    No Question: 38 Is super cache a built-in plugin of WordPress? a.    Yes b.    No